Tong-Len Hostel India

The Tong-Len hostel provides accommodation and education support for the children who come from a local slum camp in Dharmsala, in north-west India. We designed the building pro bono for the Tong-Len Charitable Trust.

It was an amazing opportunity. It’s very rewarding to watch the kids enjoy the building. The highlight for me came when the boy that I sponsor, Vijay, told me how much he loved living there.
— Ceridwen Owen

Ryan and Ceridwen attended the inauguration ceremony where the Dalai Lama spoke of the increasing gap between the rich and poor worldwide, and pledged to provide further financial assistance to the charity. 

Location: Dharamsala, Himachal Pradesh, India

Completed: 2011

Project Team

Our team: Ryan Strating & Ceridwen Owen

Photographer: Jordan Davis Photography

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